85079 | زکوة کابیان | مستحقین زکوة کا بیان |
What kind of documentation (e.g., utility bills, income proof) should
be collected to verify a person’s eligibility for Zakat?
اَلجَوَابْ بِاسْمِ مُلْہِمِ الصَّوَابْ
There is no specific way in Shariah which must be followed to assess the recipient’s eligibility for Zakat. It is up to the giver of Zakat to ensure that the recipient doesn’t own the Nisab and is not the Syed, either by asking verbally or in writing by him, his relatives or friends, or by any other suitable mean. Documents alone are not enough to declare someone eligible for Zakat, yes, they could use as a supportive instrument.
حوالہ جات
عبداللہ ولی غفر اللہ لہٗ
دار الافتاء جامعۃ الرشید کراچی
18/ربیع الثانی/1446ھ
واللہ سبحانہ وتعالی اعلم
مجیب | عبداللہ ولی | مفتیان | سیّد عابد شاہ صاحب / محمد حسین خلیل خیل صاحب |