
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

فَسْئَلُوْٓا اَہْلَ الذِّکْرِ اِنْ کُنْتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُوْنَ
If three divorces have been consummated, then wife is Haram forever on husband, even if two divorces have been granted after the second marriage.
74783طلاق کے احکامتین طلاق اور اس کے احکام



If three divorces have been consummated, then wife is Haram forever on husband, even if two divorces have been granted after the second marriage.

Question: I signed a married contract at 2012 that time I was living in UAE and she was in Pakistan. We did not have any physical (sexual) relationship. Due to some issue I gave talaq to my wife. At 2014 we asked a scholar he said you can remarry and sign a new contract as there was no relationship. Now we have two kids, last week we had fight and gave her two talaqs. I want to know, is it consider as two or three? Because of old marriage contract will impact here? Or this is counted only 2 talaqs?.


اَلجَوَابْ بِاسْمِ مُلْہِمِ الصَّوَابْ

In the case in question, three divorces have taken place, one divorce was granted earlier in the first marriage and two divorces have now been granted in this marriage. Now, according to shariah,so now three divorces have accrued. It is not allowed for husband to marry again with his wife before halala shariah.

Immediate separation between husband and wife will be necessary. After separation, remarriage cannot take place until halala would have been done.

The detail of halala is that, the woman may have to go through 'iddah and get married with another husband., then the second husband divorces her after intercourse, or unfortunately he die, then she have to pass the' iddah of divorce or the ‘iddah of death (in case of death) after completion of iddah, she may be halal for the first husband.

حوالہ جات
"ھدایۃ " 2 /378:
وان کان الطلاق ثلاثافی الحرۃ الخ لاتحل لہ حتی تنکح زوجاغیرہ نکاحاصحیحاویدخل بہاثم یطلقہاأویموت عنہا۔
"صحيح البخاري '7 / 439 :
عن عائشة قالت طلق رجل امرأته فتزوجت زوجا غيره فطلقها وكانت معه مثل الهدبة فلم تصل منه إلى شيء تريده فلم يلبث أن طلقها فأتت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت يا رسول الله إن زوجي طلقني وإني تزوجت زوجا غيره فدخل بي ولم يكن معه إلا مثل الهدبة فلم يقربني إلا هنة واحدة لم يصل مني إلى شيء فأحل لزوجي الأول فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تحلين لزوجك الأول حتى يذوق الآخر عسيلتك وتذوقي عسيلته۔
"بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع" 7 / 367:
فإن كانا حرين فالحكم الأصلي لما دون الثلاث من الواحدة البائنة ، والثنتين البائنتين هو نقصان عدد الطلاق ، وزوال الملك أيضا حتى لا يحل له وطؤها إلا بنكاح جديد ولا يصح ظهاره ، وإيلاؤه ولا يجري اللعان بينهما ولا يجري التوارث ولا يحرم حرمة غليظة حتى يجوز له نكاحها من غير أن تتزوج بزوج آخر ؛ لأن ما دون الثلاثة - وإن كان بائنا - فإنه يوجب زوال الملك لا زوال حل المحلية ۔

محمدبن عبدالرحیم


06/جمادی الاولی  1443 ھج

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