84654 | طلاق کے احکام | طلاق دینے اورطلاق واقع ہونے کا بیان |
If the delegation of divorce takes place at the time of contracting the marriage, with the woman saying, “I marry myself to you on the condition that I will have the right to divorce myself whenever I wish,” and the husband responds, “I accept this,” the delegation is valid, right? Doesn’t it have to be said during ijab by women?
The woman has OCD, she didn't even know if she said those words or not and she didn't even know her future husband.
اَلجَوَابْ بِاسْمِ مُلْہِمِ الصَّوَابْ
In Sharia, if a man delegates the right of divorce to his wife, this delegation is considered valid. If these words are spoken in the marriage contract in the presence of two witnesses, the words themselves constitute the ijab (offer) for marriage. She will have the right to divorce whenever she wishes, and the number of divorces she can pronounce will depend on the husband's intention. However, if there were no witnesses and these words were spoken in a private meeting, it is merely a promise of delegation. Therefore, during the offer and acceptance or after the marriage, the man must formally delegate the right of divorce separately.
If someone merely considers that they might have said something due to a certain illness, it has no effect or Shariah significance.
حوالہ جات
حاشية ابن عابدين = رد المحتار ط الحلبي (3/ 27):
قال زوجني ابنتك على أن أمرها بيدك لم يكن له الأمر لأنه تفويض قبل النكاح
(قوله: لم يكن له الأمر إلخ) ذكر الشارح في آخر باب الأمر باليد نكحها على أن أمرها بيدها صح. اهـ. لكن ذكر في البحر هناك أن هذا لو ابتدأت المرأة فقالت زوجت نفسي على أن أمري بيدي أطلق نفسي كلما أريد أو على أني طالق فقال: قبلت وقع الطلاق وصار الأمر بيدها، أما لو بدأ هو لا تطلق ولا يصير الأمر بيدها.
محمد سعد ذاكر
دارالافتاء جامعہ الرشید،کراچی
15/صفر /1446ھ
واللہ سبحانہ وتعالی اعلم
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