85049 | خرید و فروخت کے احکام | خرید و فروخت کے جدید اور متفرق مسائل |
I am a student and have applied for an interest-free bike scheme presented by the Government of Punjab in collaboration with the Bank of Punjab. In this scheme, the government is providing a subsidy of 20,000 PKR, and the remaining amount for the bike is divided into two parts: a down payment and monthly fixed installments for two years. The installments are based on the original cost of the bike and have no effect from the time value of money. The Punjab Government has presented the project as an interest-free scheme. The installments have no rate effect; they are simply based on the original cost.
However, when I was agreeing to the contract, the agreement policy included a point stating that in case of late payment, a penalty would be imposed on the borrower. The penalty calculation was something like 1 PKR per thousand for each day late. I believe this is riba because they are charging money on the given money. Other than the down payment, a loan is approved from the bank, which combines with the down payment and subsidy to formulate the total cost of the bike. The installments sum up to the original amount of the loan without any further payment. However, as I mentioned earlier, the agreement policy included a late payment penalty. Even if I pay all installments on time, I would be considered to have entered into a contract involving riba, similar to a credit card, as we hear from our respected ulema. Please guide me on whether I should avail of this scheme or not.
اَلجَوَابْ بِاسْمِ مُلْہِمِ الصَّوَابْ
The response depends on the described situation. If a penalty is included in the contract, it would not be considered a riba-free scheme. However, if the government involves qualified Islamic scholars (field-related muftis and ulama) to manage late payments according to Shariah principles, then entering into such a contract would be permissible.
حوالہ جات
فقه البيوع( 1/546)
إن زيادة الثمن من أجل الأجل، وإن كان جائزا عند بداية العقد، ولكن لا تجوز الزيادة عند التخلف في الأداء، فإنه ربا في معنى "أتقضي أم تربي"؟"، وذلك لأن الأجل، وإن كان منظورا عند تعيين الثمن في بداية العقد، ولكن لما تعين الثمن، فإن كله مقابل للمبيع، وليس مقابلا للأجل، ولذلك لا يجوز "ضع وتعجل" كما سيأتي تفصيله إن شاء الله تعالى. أما إذا زيد في الثمن عند التخلف في الأداء، فهو مقابل للأجل مباشرة لا غير، وهو الربا۔
محمد سعد ذاكر
دارالافتاء جامعہ الرشید،کراچی
17/ربیع الثانی /1446ھ
واللہ سبحانہ وتعالی اعلم
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